“Being in the presence of Judith Lavigne Parr Simmons makes you realize the Light that you are.”
Pat Zarlengo, Divine Science Minister
Chief Wannamakee’s Words of Warning
By Judith D. Parr Simmons
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BOOKLET – In this fictional tale, Chief Wannamakee’s Words of Warning takes the elders of the tribes to their last meeting with their Great Chief. Out of respect they hide their grief though their hearts are breaking.
He once again lifted their spirits up to higher realms, away from their mortal forms. Again and again Chief Wannamakee gave them wise and pure advice on how to live each and every day, and how to face the hard future ahead of them.
This tale advises you to live wisely and close to the earth and to watch those with forked tongues and twisted thoughts that are everywhere around you. He told them over and over again to trust their hearts and their pinnacles of faith.
“I swear. The smaller the book you write, the more wisdom you pack into each lovely and thought provoking word. You must be a wise woman reincarnated.” – Priscilla Dewey, practitioner of Brunler Color Healing and Brunler Brain Radiation, Glendale, CA
“You are such a good writer; you powerfully draw the reader into your story. I agree with everything you have your Chief say, especially about the water.” – Engene C. Vories, Mr. Grant’s Cowboy and The Dark Trail.