“Being in the presence of Judith Lavigne Parr Simmons makes you realize the Light that you are.”
Pat Zarlengo, Divine Science Minister
Dry Gulch II – Justice Prevails
By Judith D. Parr Simmons
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BOOK – Dry Gulch II – Justice Prevails is a continuation of the entertaining, fictional 1850’s Colorado western saga Dry Gulch. The book includes the same colorful characters you enjoyed in Dry Gulch.
Foreword by Thomas E. Simmons
“Judith received enough positive feedback from Dry Gulch readers that she had no choice but to complete this tale with a second book.”
“Although her characters are fictional, Judith spent many hours doing research, and her descriptions of the times and places are accurate. Judith has always said that she wasn’t really writing this story, but that it was writing itself. Will Douglas Stone find a way to cheat justice? Will Cliff hang on to his mine and use his hard won wealth to improve his own circumstances and that of others? Or, will Douglas Foul Crook steal it all? Read on.”
“A beautifully written glimpse into a small mining community. The interactions between animals and people and the legalities of filing for a mining claim and settling in the West is wonderful. You cannot but help love the developments in each chapter and find that justice did prevail!” – Ruth Tigges: Wife, mother, grandmother and retired school principal, Monument, Colorado
“What fun characters! A great read that flowed very well. It would make a great movie script!” – Edwin Ledbetter: Retired attorney and US Diplomat, WWII Pilot, US Army Air Corps, Placitas, New Mexico
“A fitting conclusion to Dry Gulch. Dry Gulch II – Justice Prevails is a nice marriage of favorite old characters with interesting new ones. If you like a happy ending, this is your book!” – Sue Appelbaum: Associate Professor, Dietetics and Hospitality Studies, Saint Louis, Missouri
“The story kept my interest, so I didn’t want to put it down.” – Wallace Stetson: Avid western reader since retirement as former miner, rancher, railroad worker and business owner, Boise, Idaho
“I so enjoyed the manuscript. I love how you put the relationships with humans and animals with ‘eternal purposes.’ I also loved the use of dreams in knowing we don’t pay enough attention to a major source of information we are given. The Colorado history filled me with intrigue and awe.” – Anita Allen: Wife, mother and Registered Nurse, Monument, Colorado