“Being in the presence of Judith Lavigne Parr Simmons makes you realize the Light that you are.”
Pat Zarlengo, Divine Science Minister
Hear the Angels Sing
By Judith D. Parr Simmons
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BOOKLET – “I’ve been visited by angels as far back as I can remember. Recently, I awakened to the sound of an angelic choir singing, ‘Ava Maria.’ If you’ve never heard these choirs before, the best way I can describe it is like hearing ten Mormon Tabernacle Choirs all singing at once. The perfect harmony and pitch, and exquisite purity merging with the power and authority of God, send tingles down your spine and lifts you to exalted heights.”
– Judith Parr Simmons
In this booklet, Judith reminds us that we are in the presence of angels though we are often unaware of it. Listen with your heart for the quiet nudges and messages they want to give you.