“Being in the presence of Judith Lavigne Parr Simmons makes you realize the Light that you are.”
Pat Zarlengo, Divine Science Minister
I Talk with the Trees
By Judith D. Parr Simmons
$16.50 plus shipping & handling (book & CD). Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
BOOK & CD – One afternoon a tree deva led Judith through a meditation into the soul-realms of the nature kingdoms. Different tree devas spoke to her and shared their grief and joys. Judith wept in her desire that all should know their stories. That day Judith wrote I Talk With The Trees. Karin Ditmarsch has also touched the spirits of the trees with her inspired tree drawings.
A Note from the Author: “This charming little work has the trees speaking in first person. It is an excellent bedtime companion.” – Judith D. Parr Simmons
Editorial Reviews of this Book
This pleasing journey into the consciousness of the oak, redwood, pine, cottonwood, and maple trees is a perfect bedtime story for children and adults alike. Each tree tells its precious, ecological and spiritual story of how it serves mother earth and the kingdoms of life upon the earth.
- “The Oak” is frequently reprinted in national publications (by permission only).
An Introduction to this Book
We trees upon this earth withstood mankind’s destructive thoughts that have reverberated throughout the nature kingdoms. These thoughts have tested our tenacity as we have outlived mankind’s various ages throughout history.
The tree devas have urged us on – through the earthquakes, the volcanoes, the pestilences and diseases. We remain sure rooted and firmly planted in our strength and determination even through the fires and the floods. We are determined to give our wisdom strength to the hungry world members that need our offerings.
Free Read – First Three Pages
The Oak
Ah, my little ones, how great is my pleasure to invite you into my arms of security. I, the great oak, am the mighty home and protection for hundreds of lives. I am the great source of energy for the little fairies and sylphs that come to me to rest and receive energy. The negativity of man and his poisoned thoughts poison the air and rob these little ones of their great source of power. It is I they come to for renewed strength, so that they can continue to create perfection and beauty throughout the God-kingdoms.
It is I, the great Oak, that gives shelter from the chill winds for the precious little songbirds who fly across the earth to bring their cheer. They carry seeds from other lands so that new plants may grow. The songbirds give notes of hope and love, from the Great One, and bring their songs into the heart of all life-forms. They bring encouragement to all the little ones and give hope and peace to humans. Their songs bring the harmony and sounds of healing, but it is I they come to for rest, and food, and to receive protection from the great winds. It is I, the great oak, that provides housing for the little squirrels. I allow them to come into the sacred crevasses and secret places to build their nests and store their cache of winter foods. They hide from men who may try to trap them, to shoot them for pretty trimmings on their coats. It is I who bring the squirrel peace and comfort as the mother who holds a child in her arms.
It is I who house the various kingdoms: the tiniest caterpillars, bugs . . .
End of page three in Judith Parr Simmon’s book, I TALK WITH THE TREES.
“Mrs. Simmons is a neighbor. Her I TALK WITH THE TREES has changed the attitudes of my 8 and 10 year olds who got into serious mischief. They read this every day and are becoming respectful. Thanks again.” – W. H. Martin, Littleton, CO
“We need to get copies to our clients and sub-contractors.” – L.W.P. Precise Grading and Seeding
“I can’t imagine how Judith Parr Simmons can understand what the trees are thinking and saying.” – Samuel Anderson, Los Angeles, CA