“Being in the presence of Judith Lavigne Parr Simmons makes you realize the Light that you are.”
Pat Zarlengo, Divine Science Minister
The Summer Wind and Other Gems of Wisdom
By Judith D. Parr Simmons
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BOOK – An Introduction to this Book by Beverly LaVigne Ledbetter
I’m Judith’s older sister by five years, and I along the way, might have peeked her curiosity into new adventures. For example, I played the French horn in the same high school band and orchestra, but there’s a difference there. I was content to remain 4th horn the three years I was in that high school. Later came Judith, who quickly excelled and worked her way up to 1st chair. She possessed a determination to succeed in all her endeavors and received recognition for her voice and other musical and acting talents. As a child she often spoke with a secret pal and reference is made herein of Mr. Gnome. I had cursory interest in other-worldly realities, and from these writings I sense Judith had a greater spiritual and more evolved sense with the non-worldly realms.
My favorite subjects deal with the Mysterious Lady Kahuna, the Old Ford Coupe, the Precious Necklace, My Lesson About Honor, The Very Unusual Mr. Chunking, Tale of Three Peacocks, the Great Sandini, Life Before Life, and Healing the Chains that Bind you.
Preface by Thomas E Simmons
When speaking to members of Judith’s family, they tend to use the words “interesting” and “unusual” when trying to describe her as a child. You would think that this collection of short stories is all works of fiction, but you would be wrong. Some of these stories are based on fact, but I’m not about to tell you which ones. I’ll let you decide which ones you want to believe. There are important lessons in each story.
Judith’s family remembers that when she was about seven or eight years old, she was sitting on the grass observing some ants at work, when her mother called out to her through the window. She asked Judith to find her a four-leaf clover, because she needed some good luck. Judith stood up and walked over to the window and asked her mother what a four-leaf clover looked like. With a description in hand, she set off on a search in the grass. Mind you, there were no patches of clover in the yard, but within 20 or 30 minutes, she returned and handed her mother a perfect four-leaf clover. Judith’s mother took the clover, clasped it to her breast, and began to cry. After carefully pressing the four-leaf clover in a book, she proceeded to call several of her neighbors, to tell them what Judith had done. Judith claims she doesn’t know if gnomes or other members of the elemental kingdom helped her find the clover, or if they created it for her. I suppose, I would have to describe Judith as “exceptional” and “enigmatic.”
Endorsements and Accolades
“Judith has written a book with stories that encourage us to expand the realities of who you (we) are and what you (we) believe. Today many people are estranged from a true sense of self. Reading these stories from Summer Wind and Other Gems of Wisdom will be a beautiful journey into self- understanding.” – Ernie Nedder has been in publishing for over thirty-five years. Previously President of the Religious Division of William Brown Communication. Sold in 1992 to Times Mirror and in 1994 to Harcourt Brace. He also along with his wife Kathy started ET Nedder Publishing which they sold to a New Jersey publishing company.
“These essays utilize a creative offering of genres, characters, and settings to inevitably lift the reader to surprising heights and places in the heart, mind and soul. From serious to whimsical, the opportunity is there to pay attention to how our life evolves through unlimited opportunities to make conscious choices that ultimately bring us happiness, despair and everything in between. At the end of the day, those decisions bring us to our own truths.” – Joan Junger is recently a retired educator with background in educational administration, adult education, and classroom teaching in Oklahoma. Alaska, and Hawaii. As a published author, she is passionate about using the avenues of books and song writing as a means of expressing life-changing experiences.
“These short stories are a very good way to present numerous life lessons. It reminds me a little of the Aesop’s Fables. Each story has its unique way of offering guidance and a solution of how to solve issues.” – Ruth Tigges was in education for thirty-three years, including being a school principal in Billings, MT. A recent widow, she now resides in Albuquerque, NM, surrounded by loving children and grandchildren.
“The Summer Wind and Other Gems of Wisdom written by Judith D. Simmons is not only delightful but enlightening. Each story is thought provoking. I believe everyone who reads these stories can glean something from them in their personal lives. I loved every word in this volume.” – Carol Epina attended LaSalle School of Interior Design, Jones Real Estate school and was employed for 25 years by a multi-millionaire. She was his Executive Assistant and managed his personal and business interests including his real estate holdings in three states.
Carol Epina attended LaSalle School of Interior Design, Jones Real Estate school and was employed for 25 years by a multi-millionaire. She was his Executive Assistant and managed his personal and business interests including his real estate holdings in three states.
“These stories fill my heart with love and hope. I reminisce for life in the good old days with good and deep values for living.”
“These great stories are very spiritual regarding life’s lessons and its role models. Young students would learn from these stories. Most of these stories are truly ‘gems of wisdom’ and are applicable to all walks of life. Thank you!!” – Vincent and Elisa Carter were involved with the corporate business world for over twenty-five years. They reside in northern Illinois.