“Being in the presence of Judith Lavigne Parr Simmons makes you realize the Light that you are.”
Pat Zarlengo, Divine Science Minister
This Too Shall Pass: A Reminder for Hospice Clients and All of Us
By Judith D. Parr Simmons
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BOOKLET – “ ‘This too shall pass.’ has been a precious mantra I have used most of my life. I truly repeat it over and over again while going through difficult trials. In fact, each trial we go through has a new stage of lessons; of letting go; of anger; of forgiveness; then acceptance for what is happening to us. Often we then begin to experience a surrender – a joy – or bliss – seeing beyond the experience as we see the rainbow at the other end of it, and as we connect with, or release ourselves from the situation.”
– Rev. Dr. Judith Parr Simmons
This little booklet helps those in transition to release the old and forgive all and to embrace the new awareness that is ahead of you in your new journey.