These “green books” printed by the Saint Germain Press were written by Godfré Ray King and Lotus King from their experiences, revelations, and dictations given to them by Saint Germain and other Ascended Masters.
Learn to use and apply the Violet Consuming Flame in your daily life and you will gain Divine Authority and Spiritual Attunement to overcome human creation in yourself and to help others. Those who use the Violet Consuming Flame have peace and comfort at hand and they even help clarify the atmosphere of the Earth.
“I AM” BOOK SERIES – Activity of the Ascended Master Teachings
If you are aware of the Ascended Master teachings, you will enjoy the Saint Germain series of books. These “green books” printed by the Saint Germain Press were written by Godfré Ray King and Lotus King from their experiences, revelations, and dictations given to them by Saint Germain and other Ascended Masters. MAKE NO MISTAKE! These are the only Ascended Master teachings that are given to us in pure form through the light and sound rays, and have nothing whatsoever to do with channeling or the psychic realms. These books were written to inspire the reader to make individual application toward making the ascension.
“We have gained Our Freedom by the same identical application which you have before you! It is the same application throughout the centuries, throughout all civilizations, throughout the ages! When you come into the Great Reality of the Truth, it is so simple, so far as its worded expression is concerned, that any child may understand it – because extraordinary language is but mankind’s attempt to cover or make mystical the Truth, which is so simple!” Each volume is encased with the vibration of the Ascended Master presenting the discourses in each volume.
“The time has arrived when the Great Wisdom held and guarded for many centuries in the Far East is now to come forth in America at the command of those Great Ascended Masters who direct, protect, and assist in expanding the Light within mankind upon this earth. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain, throughout this series of books, is one of those powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Host of Ascended Masters who govern this planet. “He is the same Great Masterful Presence who worked at the Court of France previous to and during the French Revolution, and whose advice, if heeded, would have saved great suffering. He is indissolubly linked with America – past, present, and future, for a very important part of his work on this earth is the purifying, protecting, and illumining of the people of America, that she may be the Carrier of the “Cup of Light” to the nations of the earth in the Golden Age that is opening before us, ” Godfré Ray King.
Saint Germain reminds us that to Pure Divine Love there is no obstruction anywhere in the universe. It is the Golden Key to the mightiest Heights of Attainment! It is the Open Door to Eternal Freedom to the Earth! Freedom means you must become Lord of Love if you are to be Master of Life! It is the Mighty Secret of the Universe! He who is wise will enter into the Secret Place of the Most High, the Flame of Love in the Heart of the “Mighty I AM Presence.” We present these 20 volumes as approved by Godfré and Lotus King, and Saint Germain. It is recommended one first study Volumes 1, 2, and 3 to gain an understanding of the “I AM” activity. Then other volumes may be studied in any order. All volumes are hard-bound.
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Volume 1 – Unveiled Mysteries by Godfré Ray King – “I AM” Book Series
This is the first in the “I AM” series. Godfré shares his true, personal experiences when he first met Saint Germain on a mountain top at Mount Shasta, California. $28.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 2 – The Magic Presence by Godfré Ray King – “I AM” Book Series
Godfré shares further experiences with Saint Germain, inlcuding: subterranean marvels, the Great White Brotherhood, past Golden Ages, and the ascension of Daniel Rayburn. $30.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 3 – Discourses by Beloved Saint Germain – “I AM” Book Series
Volume 3 has a daily discourse from the Ascended Masters. Read the discourse according to the day of the calendar. This volume largely address the use of the words “I AM” and the power of the universe that is represented in it. Do you say, “I AM sick” or do you say, “I AM whole?” $35.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 4 – Ascended Master Instruction by Beloved Saint Germain – “I AM” Book Series
The Ascended Master Saint Germain continues discourses which teach us how we are to claim our authority and apply discipline in our application toward making the ascension at the close of this embodiment. $28.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 5 – Adorations and Affirmations by Chanera – “I AM” Book Series
This volume contains specific decrees we are to use to benefit the United States and other nations, as well as the mass of mankind. It also includes specific decrees for protection, health, prosperity, etc. $25.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 6 – Ascended Masters Discourses by the Ascended Masters – “I AM” Book Series
This book is given to help readers feel the experience and the Reality of the Ascended Masters. The Great Ones pour a Mighty Radiance of Light and Love from their octaves to give assistance to all who deeply feel the reality of these beings. $28.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 7 – Ascended Master Light by the Great Cosmic Beings – “I AM” Book Series
The Ascended Masters who dictated this book wield power without limit. They stand guard over America and all constructive activities in the World; releasing whatever power of their rays which are required to keep America out of war and give protection to those seeking and serving the Light. $33.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 8 – Discourses by the Great Divine Director – “I AM” Book Series
The time is not far distant when once again, as in the former Golden Ages, the Cosmic Beings and Ascended Masters will move among mankind, and be known, loved and obeyed by all humanity; they come because of the help they must release to this world if it is to survive, and fulfill life’s Plan for its Perfection. $30.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 9 – Discourses by Beloved Mighty Victory – “I AM” Book Series
The Ascended Master Victory dictated discourses dedicated to the Victory of our blessed World and the gathering of the Energy, the Power of the Sacred Fire from the Height of creation in and around yourself; then passing it into all conditions which surround you, compelling them to yield to Perfection. $33.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 10 – Discourses by Beloved David Lloyd – “I AM” Book Series
I clothe you in feeling and desire for the Ascension and the enjoyment of its attainment as it happened to me. My Desire had been of such years standing, when Desire is fulfilled, It is Joy unspeakable, indescribable in physical words. $30.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 11 – Discourses by Beloved Saint Germain – “I AM” Book Series
There is only one business in the Universe: expanding Love and Perfection of Life through the use of the Sacred Fire and sending it into conditions that are not perfect. There is no greater joy in creation than using the Fire Element to dissolve shadows and let the beauty and manifestation of the Light come forth to serve Life in everlasting Joy. $30.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 12 – Discourses by Ascended Master Youth, Bob – “I AM” Book Series
The “I AM” Ascended Master Youth are the Builders of the incoming Golden Age; and is the name of the Beloved Mighty “I AM” Presence of every young person on the planet. We call to the Seven Mighty Elohim, the Builders of all Creation, to enfold each one in their immortal Flame of Cosmic Love, which compels the Fulfillment of their every God Desire. $28.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 13 – Beloved Saint Germain’s Talks – “I AM” Book Series
Saint Germain gave these early talks, containing the Wisdom of Ages, through Mr. Ballard (Godfré Ray King) in the presence of Mrs. Ballard, and son, Donald Ballard and the “I AM” Foundation and staff and guests. Each spoken word, applied through Conscious Command, becomes a Magnet of Light upward and onward into the “Light of God That Never Fails.” $28.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 14 – Discourses by the Seven Mighty Elohim – “I AM” Book Series
The Seven Mightly Elohim are the authority over everything in this World. The Great Divine Director is even under their direction. These Cosmic Builders of the whole system of worlds come and offer themselves in the Seven-Fold Flame in Violet Flame Power and Victory of the Cosmic Christ Action because of the crisis of the hour for the need of the mass of the people of this Nation and World. $28.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 15 – The Ascended Masters Speak on Angels – “I AM” Book Series
Enter into the Conscious Awareness of the Angelic Host. As you accept their Presence they will live and move in the remembrance of Love which they pour at your call. By acknowledging the Angelic Host, you have immediately the Victory of their love from, in, and around you as a Flame from the Heart. $30.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 16 – Beloved Archangel Michael Speaks on the Angelic Host – “I AM” Book Series
These discourses from Beloved Archangel Michael will greatly bless you as you become attuned to and commune with the entire hierarchy of the angels. May you become aware of the service they render in all phases of your daily life. $28.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 17 – Discourses by Beloved Master Jesus, The Christ – “I AM” Book Series
These discourses by the Beloved Ascended Masters could not be more timely for the call for help that America needs now. May we stand by Jesus’ side & pour forth whatever compels the Ascension for all. $30.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 18 – “I AM” Discourses on America by the Beloved Ascended Masters – “I AM” Book Series
These discourses by the Beloved Ascended Masters could not be more timely for the call for help that America needs now. As Americans seek the wisdom and purity from the Ascended Masters and humbly ask for inspiration we will be victorious through the light of God that never fails. $28.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 19 – “I AM” Discourses On Supply by the Ascended Masters – “I AM” Book Series
Take your stand with your Presence to cleanse your world from doubt and obligation. Keep commanding yourselves free, and call forth the limitless “I AM” that you may be free like the Sun, and pour assistance everywhere you wish to build Beauty and Perfection, and Permanent accomplishment. $30.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
Volume 20 – “I AM” Discourses by the Gods of the Mountains – “I AM” Book Series
Beloved God Meru, Beloved God Himalaya, Beloved God of the Swiss Alps and Beloved God Tabor offer insights into the infinite blessings of the mountain ranges of the world. $30.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S.
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