Judith LaVigne Parr Simmons never, ever dreamed about being a writer. Yet, you’ve heard the adage, “find a need and fill it” and she does just that.
In the early 1980’s Judith got a message while in a deep meditative state: “You will write two books, and the other books will come through you.” The idea of writing a book was incredulous and she just “put the idea on the shelf” as she does with ideas she doesn’t know what to do with. Totally forgetting about the prior message, in the late 1980’s Judith had a “need to fill.” She was teaching meditation classes and could never find a textbook to help her present various styles of meditation, and practical ideals and disciplines on how to meditate.

Chief Wannamakee’s Words of Warning
BOOKLET – Judith’s stunning booklet consists of four pages of a chilling story given by Chief Wannamakee to the Elders before he passes to the land of his fathers before him. He shares his dreams about the trials to come, as well as the end of the times of troubles. $4.50 each plus $1.00 shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

The Declaration of Independence & US Constitution (CD)
CD – This CD consists of Judith Parr Simmons reading the “Declaration of Independence,” “The Constitution of the United States,” and “The Bill of Rights.” This moving CD with Judith will trigger a sense of patriotism and respect for the wisdom of our founding fathers and the deep history of the United States. This recording is very well suited to classroom education leading to in-depth discussion of the principles and history of the United States. The power of hearing these documents spoken can’t be denied. This CD should be listened to by all citizens of the United States so they are reminded of the greatness of this wonderful country and the potential we still have. $17.00 (includes shipping and handling in U.S.). Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

Dry Gulch
BOOK – This fictional story based in Colorado has a stage robbery, gun fight, gambling, gushy love scenes, a sheriff who’s in love with a brothel owner, and even a nefarious, despicable, dirty, rotten, stinking, skunk of a villain. You’ll feel good as you join this intimate journey with colorful characters that just simply come alive. $15.95 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. Free Read of Chapter 1 – LEARN MORE

Dry Gulch II – Justice Prevails
BOOK – The adventure gallops along with this continuation of Dry Gulch. Will Cliff Elder be able to keep “Old Fool’s Mine” after Douglas Stone makes claim to it? Will Stone ever get what’s coming to him for all the foul, dirty deeds he’s done? How will Cliff’s feisty burro, Betsy, be the great heroine in this adventure. $14.95 plus shipping and handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

Earth Mother
BOOKLET – This inspired booklet by Judith Parr Simmons is in first person as if Earth Mother is talking to you personally. Earth Mother explains how she and all the beings of form created her beautiful earth, and then pleaded with Master Father to put humankind on earth as a divine experiment. Her plea to all mankind: “Earth will survive, but how long will you?” $4.50 plus $1.00 shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

From Incest to Purity: Healing Through Forgiveness
BOOKLET – “I’m not victim anymore! It’s all washed clean. I’m new and whole again, Thank God.” In this latest booklet, Rev. Dr. Judith Parr Simmons has shared her personal story with the experiences of those she helped set free. What an example of how forgiveness heals. $4.50 each plus $1.00 shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

Hear the Angels Sing
BOOKLET – In this booklet, Judith reminds us that we are in the presence of angels though we are often unaware of it. Listen with your heart for the quiet nudges and messages they want to give you. $4.50 each plus $1.00 shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

I Talk With The Trees
BOOK & CD – One afternoon a tree deva led Judith through a meditation into the soul-realms of the nature kingdoms. Different tree devas spoke to her and shared their grief and joys. Judith wept in her desire that all should know their stories. That day Judith wrote I Talk With The Trees. Karin Ditmarsch has also touched the spirits of the trees with her inspired tree drawings. A note from the author: “This charming little work has the trees speaking in first person. It is an excellent bedtime companion.” – Judith D. Parr Simmons. $16.50 plus shipping & handling (book & CD). Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

Many Avenues of Healing
BOOK – With another “need to fill” Judith’s book Many Avenues of Healing was also written. It was a long five-year project which at first appeared to be an encyclopedia of alternative healing techniques, but was repeatedly condensed until it reached the present form. Not only was Many Avenues of Healing her doctoral project, but her burning need was to try to summarize her years of studying and teaching alternative healing practices to help loved ones and family members. Her uttermost “need to fill” was to help people understand the spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects of their lives which contribute to their sickness or well-ness. $11.00 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

Meditations From My Garden
BOOK & CD – Meditations From My Garden is a serene book and CD for the stress-filled society of this age. It is a collection of meditations and exercises to help teach one to find peace within. From beginner to advanced meditator – you will learn to reach deep levels of meditation and awareness. Judith was teaching meditation classes and could never find a textbook to help her present various styles of meditation, and practical ideals and disciplines on how to meditate. Naturally she had to write Meditations From My Garden. Many teachers have used this treatise as their text-book. With the current revision of this book, the updated CD is now included. $19.95 plus shipping & handling (book & CD). Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

The Mystical Destiny of America (CD)
CD – This inspiring selection of readings feature Judith Parr Simmon’s soothing voice. The CD includes Judith’s readings of mystical stories in the founding of the United States, including Manly Hall’s stories from Secret Destiny of America (permission granted from Marie Bauer Hall). Judith also reads Washington’s Vision (with permission from the “I AM” Foundation). Other stories include Bacon’s Secret Society, Unknown Man Who Designed Our Flag, The Signing of the Declaration of Independence, and General McClellan’s Dream. This is an informative and inspirational CD that is wonderful to listen to again and again. It is certain to create good discussion and critical thinking concerning the mystical stories of the United State’s early history. $17.00 (includes shipping and handling in U.S.). Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

The Summer Wind and Other Gems of Wisdom
BOOK – Read what others have to say about The Summer Wind and Other Gems of Wisdom:
- “These stories fill my heart with love and hope. I reminisce for life in the good old days with good and deep values for living.” – Bobbie Richards
- “These great stories are very spiritual regarding life’s lessons and its role models. Young students would learn from these stories. Most of these stories are truly ‘gems of wisdom’ and are applicable to all walks of life. Thank you!!” – Vincent and Elisa Carter
$14.92 plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

The Upward Climb: (An Epic Poem)
BOOK – A great being of light came to Judith in meditation and told her to again get ready for inspired writings. The next 13 days in 20-minute sessions the words flowed quickly and smoothly through her pen with hardly a pause. With minor corrections The Upward Climb (an epic poem) was so written. The teachings are for everyone’s path to “keep the keeping on.” Many weep while reading these pages while their hearts rejoice in the remembering. $9.00 each plus shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

This Too Shall Pass: a Reminder for Hospice Clients and All of Us
BOOKLET – This little booklet helps those in transition to release the old and forgive all and to embrace the new awareness that is ahead of you in your new journey. $4.50 each plus $1.00 shipping & handling. Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

Wise Woman: Whisperings of the Angels
BOOK & CD – An angel came to Judith during meditation and told her that for the next seven mornings it would take her on seven separate journeys. This remarkable book and soothing CD is artfully helping to mold children into good kids. Judith Parr Simmons takes children, parents, and grandparents on an adventure of accelerated consciousness using compelling parables that teach, but don’t preach. The sounds and pictures help release negativity as one learns lessons of forgiveness and in letting go of the old. $18.95 plus shipping & handling (book & CD). Due to changing international shipping costs, we will notify you about additional shipping charges due on orders outside of the U.S. – LEARN MORE

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